
Showing posts from May, 2017


…That They May Fear Me . What a man! What a request...!! . A poor man once lived his life in penury, during his travails, he was so humble and accommodating, he was gentle, kind, caring and very submissive. . There came a time were their kingdom was in commotion because the king was sick of an unknown disease that defied the knowledge of all his physicians and those around his kingdom. . Because of this, a royal degree was made, that whosoever will cure the king of the strange illness was going to be the next king as the had no male child to succeed him. . Every potential medical practitioner was given a fair chance to prove his experience. Both physicians within and around the kingdom tried their ability but to no avail. . Fortunately, only the poor man cured the king using some herbs he lent from his grandmother. . This was the beginning of greatness to him as he was made the crowned Prince and all the privileges accorded him. He was to hold that posit...


...THE MAN WHOM THE LORD HELPS. . This story will encourage you to trust more in God and depend less on man. . READ, ENJOY and LEARN! . there was once a proud king who had everything he wanted, he loved to be referenced above all and could go the extra mile to achieve that. In front of his gate were two beggars who depended on the King's palace for their daily survival. . Each time the king and his entourage were about going out, the two beggars were there to sing the King's praises. . Their daily duty was to make the king feel great before they could be given some food to eat. . One day, as the king was coming out of his gate, the first beggar shouted, "blessed is the man whom the king helps". . The second beggar shouted, "blessed is the man whom the LORD helps". . The king was happy with the first beggar but ignored the second thinking he made a mistake. . This happened each time the king was leaving his exalted throne for an...


# MoneyMistakes1 : . Never borrow money with interest to start a business (except for salary loans); only borrow to grow your business. This is because business takes a long time to gain ground and begin making profit yet for most of the loans you begin paying back a month later or even earlier. Hence, never borrow to start a business expecting that business to be the one to pay back the borrowed money plus the interest. . *# MoneyMistakes2 : . Never spend money you haven't received. Don't even promise someone money based on a promise from someone else. Don't hear somebody say, "Ezra come to my office tomorrow at 9am and pick 2m" and you go buy items on credit hoping to clear the debt when the promised money comes in. . *# MoneyMistakes3 : . If you want to save, whenever you receive money ensure you don't start spending before taking out the savings hoping that you'll save what remains. Normally what remains is zero. And things t...


This is highly motivational... . Happy Reading: One thing I learn from my parent is hard work and smart work. . One day mum told me I shouldn't go to bed unless I've made money. . At first I didn't fully understand it. . But then I realised that the moment you wake up each day, you are spending money. . Think about it. . The moment you get out of bed, brush your teeth and #Oral_B and other toothpaste will be earning on you. . Charge your phone, iron your clothes #PHCN will be reading their meter. . Move from your home to city centres #Taxis will be collecting their share. . You check your Whatsapp, Facebook and other social media and #telecommunication companies will be making money from you! . You see, before you get out of the house you have already paid all these companies something. . You have already spent money. Let me not even talk about the rest of the day... . So if you are going to bed without making money, how are you footing...