As funny as it sound, I know you maybe wondering my reason for that caption... Hear This: Some years ago when I was much younger, I didn't really understand what valentine was all about so I said I must find out. One day, I decided to ask about the excitement of 14th feb popularly called Saint Valentine's day-the only person I could ask was my uncle because I was living with him at that time. "Sit down my son, let me tell you the meaning of Valentine and what feb. 14tn is all about". He said. 'Wow, so I am finally going to do away with my curiosity'. I thought. Little did I know that I was about entering the greatest confusion of my life. "VALENTINE means FATHERS OF TINY CHILDREN" he said, "what young people celebrate that day is immorality, defilement, and the kind of evil that results in the young girls giving birth to tiny, malnourished and rejected bastards, not only that, they incur the wroth of God for themsel...