
Showing posts from May 5, 2017


This is highly motivational... . Happy Reading: One thing I learn from my parent is hard work and smart work. . One day mum told me I shouldn't go to bed unless I've made money. . At first I didn't fully understand it. . But then I realised that the moment you wake up each day, you are spending money. . Think about it. . The moment you get out of bed, brush your teeth and #Oral_B and other toothpaste will be earning on you. . Charge your phone, iron your clothes #PHCN will be reading their meter. . Move from your home to city centres #Taxis will be collecting their share. . You check your Whatsapp, Facebook and other social media and #telecommunication companies will be making money from you! . You see, before you get out of the house you have already paid all these companies something. . You have already spent money. Let me not even talk about the rest of the day... . So if you are going to bed without making money, how are you footing...