This story will encourage you to trust more in God
and depend less on man.
there was once a proud king who had everything
he wanted, he loved to be referenced above all and
could go the extra mile to achieve that. In front of
his gate were two beggars who depended on the
King's palace for their daily survival.
Each time the king and his entourage were about
going out, the two beggars were there to sing the
King's praises.
Their daily duty was to make the king feel great
before they could be given some food to eat.
One day, as the king was coming out of his gate,
the first beggar shouted, "blessed is the man
whom the king helps".
The second beggar shouted, "blessed is the man
whom the LORD helps".
The king was happy with the first beggar but
ignored the second thinking he made a mistake.
This happened each time the king was leaving his
exalted throne for any engagement.
One day, the king was coming out as usual, the
first beggar shouted, "blessed is the man whom
the king helps",
The second shouted, "blessed is the man whom
the LORD helps".
The king was very disturbed, he questioned why
the second beggar refused to exalt him even with
his benevolent towards him.
"why should he disrespect me everyday and
expects to keep enjoying my wealth, or, don't he
know that I have the power and the resources to
change his life for the better?", he thought.
"OK, as I'm going out tomorrow I will show that it
is more blessed to trust in the king whom you see
than the LORD you cannot see". He concluded.
That evening, the king called his bakers and
demanded for two well prepared cakes of equal
sizes but with some pieces of gold buried in one of
those cakes.
The next day, before the king went out, he had two
"beautiful parcels for the beggars - One was a
piece of cake containing some pieces of gold
specially packaged for the first beggar,
# The_Man_Whom_The_King_Will_help .
The second cake was wrapped also but with
nothing inside, just an empty cake prepared for the
second beggar, # The_Man_Whom_Th
e_LORD_Will_Help .
The king came out in excitement and in
preparation to executing his well calculated plan.-
To show the second beggar that it is more blessed
to get the king's help than the LORD'S help.
As he came out, the first beggar shouted, "blessed
is the man whom the king helps".
The king being happy with him, and to prove a
point to the other beggar handed over the parcel
with gold to him.
The second beggar shouted, "blessed is the man
whom the LORD helps". The king nodded and gave
him the other empty cake and went his way
They both opened their gift, "ah!" exclaimed the
first beggar, "a cake...?", he questioned.
"yes", replied the second, "what about it, don't you
like cakes?", he asked.
"I don't like it, pls can you buy it from me and give
me a little money to feed on?", he pleaded.
"yes I will, I love cakes very much, name your
price and I'll pay....". Replied the second beggar.
So the first beggar told his friend that he would
have thrown the cake away if he didn't accept to
buy it. He demanded that he give him any amount
he had. He sold the 'golden cake' to the man
whom the LORD helped and went his way.
The second beggar went, sold his gold and
established himself while the man whom the king
helps continued begging.
Day in, day out, the king only saw one beggar, his
favourite, the one he thought he helped-the man
whom the king helps.
One day, the king was forced to ask, "why are you
still here and were is your second?".
From the day you gave us that cake and I sold my
own to him, I have not set my eyes on him, I've
waited and hoped he will come but to no avail. I
sincerely don't know his ware about". He

The king stood for a while, shook his head and
said, "surely, blessed is the man whom the LORD
He turned to the beggar and continued, "the cake I
gave you was not an ordinary cake, it was a
special one, a golden cake specially wrapped for
you. That cake was to help take you away from
street begging. I personally put some pieces of
gold in it to help you establish and stop begging. I
did that to prove to your second that blessed is
the man whom the king helps but rather, he has
proven to me that blessed is the man whom the
LORD helps". He explained.
The beggar, stood, folded his hands with his head
bowed and tears rolling down his eye.
"from today, please follow the foot print of your
friend, I thought I could help but little did I know
that the power to help is in the LORD'S hands...
Now I know that we are instruments in HIS hands.
I've learnt my lessons from this event". Concluded
the king.
This is a true saying--Blessed is the man whom
the LORD helps. Humans are just instrument in His
Our hope should be in God and Him alone.
Our help comes from the LORD who created us.
So, next time you are in need or face any
challenge, remember,


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