Security Advise From Me To You in 2018 : Never use car stickers that says where you work, especiall y if you have a prestigious job, don't let show off kill you. Don't be the one that tries to empty the ATM machine by making large withdrawals ...You don't need 50k in your wallet to feel like a man. When you attend parties, don't let the band get you so high that you start spraying money like no man's business, use an envelope. Always delete your bank transaction notifications, especially really can memorize your bank balance....Shred ur POS/ATM receipts. Don't go jogging while it's dark, you really should be smarter than that. If you can, get someone trusted as company. Always lock your doors, even if you're only going out to switch off your generator. NEVER EVER, NEVER EVER WEAR YOUR ID outside your work place. No one needs to know you work with Union Bank, don't be stupid! Be accountable to your spouse or parents, let some...
1 “Solid character will reflect itself in consistent behavior, while poor character will seek to hide behind deceptive words and actions.” 2. “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.” 3. “People generally fall into one of three groups: the few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen, and the overwhelming majority who have no notion of what happens. Everyperson is either a creator of fact or a creature of circumstance. He either puts color into his environment, or, like a chameleon, takes color from his environment.” 4. “You must decide if you are going to rob the worldor bless it with the rich, valuable, potent, untapped resources locked away within you.” 5. “Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by passion, generatedby vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose.” 6. “The wealthiest places in the world are not gold mines, oil fields, diamond mines or banks. The wealthiest plac...
Read And You're Sure To Learn... HAPPY READING! An Anthropologist proposed one game to the kids of African tribal children. He placed a basket of fruits near a tree. And made them stand 100 mtrs away. And announced that who ever reaches1st would get all the fruits in the basket. When he said ready steady go.. Do you know what these small children did? They all caught each other's hands and ran towards the tree together, divided the fruits among them and ate the fruits and enjoyed it. When the Anthropologist asked them why u did so? They said 'Ubuntu' meant 'How can 1 be happy when all the others are Sad'? Ubuntu in their language means 'I AM BCOZ, WE ARE!' Let's all of us carry this attitude and spread happiness. UNITY IN DIVERSITY.