Does HE Really Care?
>>> A Story That Touches The Heart<<<

Please Read to the end:
I once attended a church service outside my district-It was really a glorious gathering. The orderliness of service and the solemnity of worship really lifted my spirit.
       Everything was so smooth that one will think we were already leaving for heaven.
It was time and the pastor mounted the pulpit for the message titled: DOES HE REALLY CARE...?
I was so uplifted and in the spirit as the message was going on. Surprisingly, I got the shock of my life as I heard a loud screaming and shouting behind me, I couldn't help but turned to see what was really amidst. So I turned, lo and behold, it was a young lady in her mid 20s, beautifully dressed and from her looks, she was no doubt a rich man's daughter-one will easily conclude that she had all she needed but she was the one crying profusely.

She wept and fail to the ground, it took the collective efforts of the women ushers and leaders to calm her a bit and carried her out.
Come to think of it, why should this lady (so young, rich and beautiful) cry like this. What was really her problem, that I couldn't tell but from her reaction, one could easily conclude that she might have been shattered and battered with the cares of life, she might have been deserted and abandoned by friends and the ones she loved, her expectations might have been cut off or maybe, just maybe she broke into such an uncontrollable tears because her ways was not right with God so she needed a change. Wait a minute! Was she a sort of an agent sent from the underworld to come and disrupt the service and she choose to use that method? Only GOD could tell.

Judging from the a fore mentioned analogies, it was very difficult to point out what her problem really was but the sure truth is that she had a problem, she could identify it and she needed help_Lots of help!

Frankly speaking, I was lost in thought-so lost that I almost couldn't concentrate with the remaining part of the service.
The service came and gone, I went home but not without some unanswered questions as there was no one in the right position to give me answers-Yes, I left, but the questions were still there unanswered.

Days later, I went out one evening to buy some fuel for my generator. As the pump attendance was filling my gallon, a flashy car, drove by a lady came in, stopped beside me and ordered that her tank be filled up. I didn't and couldn't recognize her because we had not meet before but to my surprise, she recognized me and introduced herself as Dora.
Afterwards, she paid for my fuel and demanded that we had a drink at a nearby fast food joint before separating. It was really hard for me but I couldn't help, so I accepted. Yes, it was a golden opportunity for me to at least find out what her problem was.
So she parked, we walked down to the joint and she ordered for two bottles of malt drink. I was curious to find out the reasons for her emotional display in church so I summoned courage to ask.
Dora told me the pains she went through, how she was lured into occultism by her best friend, she narrated how she has tried with everything in her to break through, the prayer houses she had visited and the money she spent. The many assignment she had done to break free and be delivered all to no avail. 

She told me the torture she went through, the nightmares and threats she got from the dreaded cult group-she really wanted to break away from the seemingly harmless association she ignorantly went into that has turned out to be her greatest nightmare and torment. Though she is from a rich home, her father's wealth couldn't  rescue her from the shekels of her torment.

At a point, she wanted to die and even told them (the cult group) to take her life but they said they can't temper with her life.

She cried in church when she heard the message, wondering if God was still alive, even if He was, if He still cared about her. The people of God help her, encouraged her and the prayer team prayed for her deliverance. SHE WAS DELIVERED!

Yes, the most interesting part of this story is that God saw her sincerity and had compassion on her... She is now free.
God proved to her that He was still alive and also cared so much about her.

DEAR READER, this world is full of mysteries. Many are there suffering because they ignorantly went into what they knew nothing  about... BE CAREFUL OF WHO YOU CALL YOUR FRIEND.

There are many other beautiful ladies and handsome men who are living in misery, penury, and torment though they are said to be rich, you may not know except they open up.
Yes, it maybe other complex problems apart from cultism.


Lets know the fact that wealth and firm is not a sign of a happy living. Poverty at the other hand does not means that the whole world is on your head. God can change your situation in a twinkling of an eye. Problem is everywhere and only God is the true source of freedom.

So, no matter what you are passing through, always remember that there are many whose cases are worst than yours.

Never doubt GOD no matter the situation you may pass through.
Wait on HIM, seek spiritual help were necessary, and hold unto HIS unfailing promises.
There is no doubt that GOD really care about you...


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